Chewy Molasses Cookies
Caramel-Ginger Cookie-Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Newby Royal Icing
It may not taste the greatest, but it dries fast and will hold! Good for success on a first house
2 lb powdered sugar
3 tablespoons meringue powder (get this next to the baking soda in the grocery store)
1 teaspoon cream of tar tar
3/4 cup warm water

Beat with a mixer until stiff peaks form.
Wilton Royal Icing
1 lb powdered sugar
3 tablespoons meringue powder
5-6 tablespoons warm water.
Beat with a mixer until stiff peaks form.
Competition Gingerbread
**NOTE: We used a hammer to break our gingerbread houses made with this! Use a different recipe for a house that will be up a week or two and then deliciously devoured by family. This stuff is edible, but very very crunchy.
3 cups flour
1 1/8 cups sugar
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1/4 cup honey
3/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
3/4 tsp ginger
smidgen of water (approx. 1 tsp)
Sift the dry ingredients together in a bowl. In a separate bowl, combine eggs and honey. Add the 2 mixes together and knead with your hands. This won't take long, but don't do it in a mixer or it will be too crumbly.
Cover and let sit 4 hours-overnight. When ready to use, add a smidgen of water (I turn the sink on low and splash some in the bowl) and knead until it's a good dough. Don't be afraid to use plenty more flour to avoid sticking and get a good texture going.